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Why Your Brochure Should Read Like a Hollywood Screenplay

Brochures are Boring

Brochures have a tendency to be lackluster. Blockbuster Hollywood Films, on the other hand, are not. What is it about a great film that captivates and builds an audience? It’s the story. It’s the villain and the hero. It’s conflict and resolution. Here’s how to make your brochure read more like a great screenplay ... and less like a brochure.

Treat the Cover Like an Opening Scene

Make a promise, move on. This is your chance to introduce your content with a bang but it’s important to be brief and intriguing at the same time. Get the reader’s attention with a captivating image and a short title, both of which make them want to know what comes next.

The First Spread is All About “Conflict”

Explain the Problem, tell them you can solve it. In this panel, you’re both acknowledging the customer’s need for a solution, and reassuring them that the solution exists. You don’t want to go into detail as to how you’ll solve the Problem yet. Just hint that it can be done and get them to turn the page

Now We Resolve the Problem

The interior spread, represents the “journey.” The Problem still looms to the left, and the center panel emphasizes the challenges that result from it. But in the third panel, you reveal the solution in detail and give the readers control over the solution. This is where you help them save the day.

Que the Soundtrack. Roll the Credits.

The back panel of the brochure should serve as a reminder that everything is and is going to be fine. It should put the audience at ease. And as all films end with credits, so should your brochure: don’t forget to include your contact info. Does your business's brochure need an update? Contact your local AlphaGraphics print shop to get a quote on your new brochure!

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